Our team is comprised of highly experienced individuals who have managed 6 figure campaigns for Fortune 500 companies across geographic locations and verticals. We know how to generate revenue from you ad spend to make it a profit center and not a cost.
Harness the reach of Google’s extensive ad network to find customers for your online business. Google’s platform integrates well with your existing set up and we manage the strategy, the research, the implementation and the reporting.
Social media
Finding where your potential customer hangs out online is very important and can be stressful, especially if your organisation is more traditional and is in the process of digital transformation. We set up the strategy and the the campaigns for global brands to leverage this medium and gain highly targeted traffic to their sites and convert them to paying customers.
marketing strategy and business intelligence
Conduct/use market research to address the most suitable audience and its characteristics, segmentation per market. Based on the market research’s outcome - build the key channels which will target the appropriate audience. Build and develop a cross-channel strategy to drive digital user acquisition for each country